Thursday, September 15, 2011

Another Monster done

The weather seems to be getting cold way too fast. I have to wonder if the snow is gonna hit us fast. Oh well onto the knitting.  This was the week of another monster to be finished and instead of making a Christmas gift I made a Maddox for myself. I had made another one for a gift for a dear friend. Once I gave that little guy away it was the one monster I wanted for me. So I pulled out some yarn that I had bought to make a Maddox with and knitted a Maddox. The beauty of this critter was the body was knitted in about a day. The yarn is Sugar n Cream in the colorway called psychedelic. I love how he turned out and I know I will make more of him. I am thinking he could be made again for a few gifts.The next project I have started today is my first knitted blanket. I got the kit from Knit Picks and I thought with the weather getting cold it might be time to work on it. Picture is coming soon. Guess that is it. Make sure you take time to knit today.

Monday, September 5, 2011

Gift Knitting time

It is Labor Day as I type this. Wow what happen to summer. It seems like it was just the 4th of July. Next stop is Christmas right? Oh well My completed knitting projects are gifts for special people in my life. And yes I have started my Christmas knitting. I have a timetable to get things done and I just hope that I can get all done.
At any rate now on to the projects. The first one is a Dr Who dishcloth. This one and another one will be for a dear friend of mine for his birthday. Making stuff for guys can be a challenge so the dishcloth idea is one that I like because they are nerdy in nature. This is the Dr Who logo. The yarn is Knit picks dishie and while it does not look it in the picture, this yarn really shows the stitch definition. I am so liking this yarn. Knit Picks is super.
Now onto my next completed item. This is Jerry the Monkey another one by Danger Crafts. The yarn is from Dancing Dog Dye Works. I bought the yarn because I wanted to try it. And at one point I had thought I would keep it but with Christmas looming and other projects that need to be make this little guy is going to a cousin of mine. A 6 year old little boy is gonna get him. I am so sure he will like him. Only issues I had was the sewing him together. I may make something else too but for now I have officially started my Christmas knitting. This yarn is really nice to work with too and I do have some leftover. So maybe a little monkey for me. I guess that is it for now. Have a great Labor Day and start that Christmas knitting today.